Hobbies are the best!

Hobbies allow us all to play and have fun. Hobbies encourage us to make things, get out into the world and try new things, move and exercise, and learn new skills. Maybe, most importantly, they connect us with people who enjoy the same things we do and help us build community— because it can be hard for adults to make friends!

At the very least, having hobbies will make you more interesting at cocktail parties. Feeling inspired? Read on.

My Ultimate Stress Buster

It's funny how life can throw curveballs at you when you least expect it. A few years ago, I found myself drowning in stress and anxiety, courtesy of my demanding job. Every day felt like an uphill battle, and I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. It was during this tumultuous time that I stumbled upon an unexpected savior - kickboxing.

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outdoor hobbies, family, active hobbies Shannon Maggio outdoor hobbies, family, active hobbies Shannon Maggio

How Ski Vacations Became Our Family Tradition

Just a few years ago, no one in our family had ever skied. Now, it's a winter highlight we all look forward too. Our oldest son, now 10, asked about trying something new during winter break. We'd typically spend our holidays cozying up indoors, but his curiosity sparked an idea. Why not break the routine and embark on an adventure as a family?

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ice skating, active hobbies, solo, indoors Shannon Maggio ice skating, active hobbies, solo, indoors Shannon Maggio

Finding Fun on The Ice

Ice skating wasn't something I grew up doing or even considered until a few years ago when I stumbled upon it almost by accident. I went with some friends to and open skate at a local rink and saw they were offering adult beginner lessons on the weekends. I was in college and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and was feeling overwhelmed and a little burn tout. While totally random, ice skating seemed like a fun escape, at least for one quick lesson. But the moment I stepped onto the ice for that first lesson, I was hooked.

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Rediscovering Soccer and Friendships

As I entered my thirties, life seemed to accelerate at an unfathomable pace. Between the demands of work, family responsibilities, and the never-ending to-do lists, it felt like there was hardly any time left for myself.

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Riding the Waves: Surfing as an Adult

Let me set the scene for you: a couple of years back, I found myself in an exercise rut. I needed to shake things up, get in shape, but the mere thought of hitting the gym felt like torture. I craved something different, something that would not only whip me into shape but also ignite my spirit and inject some much-needed excitement into my life.

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Learning to Dance in My 30s

"Are you sure you want to do this? You are going to look ridiculous. You are too old." The harsh whispers echoed in my mind when I first stepped into an adult ballet class at age 34. The studio smelled of rosin and dreams, and I sensed I’d be an imposter clumsily moving among graceful souls. Little did I know that this seemingly whimsical decision would ignite a transformative journey that would redefine my confidence and unleash my inner expression.

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How I Ran Into Love

A few years ago, I found myself in a rut both physically and emotionally. I was feeling stagnant in my workouts and yearning for something more in life. My friend suggested I join her local running group, and little did I know, it would change my life in ways I never imagined.

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Life Lessons Learned on the Mountain Bike

I never imagined that hopping on a mountain bike would lead to some of the most valuable life lessons I'd ever learn. But over the years, pedaling through the trails, facing challenging terrains, and pushing my limits have molded me into a stronger, more resilient person.

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How Rock Climbing Elevated My Fitness

I can't help but marvel at how one activity, rock climbing, has completely revolutionized the way I approach staying fit and healthy. What started as a casual interest quickly turned into a passion, and now, it's an integral part of my life that has not only made me physically stronger and more agile but has also brought me closer to nature and significantly improved my mental well-being.

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