Hobbies are the best!

Hobbies allow us all to play and have fun. Hobbies encourage us to make things, get out into the world and try new things, move and exercise, and learn new skills. Maybe, most importantly, they connect us with people who enjoy the same things we do and help us build community— because it can be hard for adults to make friends!

At the very least, having hobbies will make you more interesting at cocktail parties. Feeling inspired? Read on.

Learning to Dance in My 30s

"Are you sure you want to do this? You are going to look ridiculous. You are too old." The harsh whispers echoed in my mind when I first stepped into an adult ballet class at age 34. The studio smelled of rosin and dreams, and I sensed I’d be an imposter clumsily moving among graceful souls. Little did I know that this seemingly whimsical decision would ignite a transformative journey that would redefine my confidence and unleash my inner expression.

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