The Zen of Knitting

Between work, home life, and being a mom, I’ve found stress can creep up me quickly. For me, it was the incessant demands of work and personal life that left me feeling drained and anxious, especially in the evenings, when I’d crash in front of the TV. It was during a particularly overwhelming period that I stumbled upon an unexpected solution – knitting.

It all began one night when I found myself mindlessly reaching for the wine bottle, again. I knew it was a coping mechanism for all the stress I was under and a voice inside me whispered that there had to be a healthier way to deal with the stress. So, I decided to try something different. I remembered the old knitting needles tucked away in the back of my closet, relics from a long-forgotten hobby. I found some videos on YouTube and started learning.

At first, my attempts were messy. Somehow a row of ten stitches would accidentally turn into eleven or twelve. But as I kept working at it, something fell into place. I felt a sense of calm wash over me— the methodical motion of knitting helped me chill out.

Soon, I was knitting almost every night and had completed a baby blanket. I was becoming a regular at my local yarn shop and buying nicer supplies. My knitting was starting to look better and better, and I worked on projects to gift to friends. Instead of reaching for snacks or wine at night, or doom scrolling, my hands were occupied with something more productive. I found that I could still enjoy my favorite TV shows, all while channeling my restless energy into creating something useful.

What started as a simple distraction had grown into a passion. I experimented with different stitches and patterns and learned how to make more complex projects. I found myself growing more confident and having less anxiety. Since my job is mainly sitting in front of a computer, I think working on something tangible was really rewarding and gave me a sense of accomplishment.

Today, I proudly call myself a knitter. Not only do I knit for fun, but I've also turned my hobby into a fun side hustle. I found myself needing more and more projects to work on, so I began knitting children's sweaters, each one lovingly made. The extra income is a welcome bonus, but I also love knowing I am creating one-of-a-kind pieces that will provide warmth and comfort.

Knitting has been so great for me. Instead of drowning my sorrows and letting my emotions spiral, I found solace in my projects. And in the process, I discovered a better version of myself and a better, healthier coping mechanism I can always rely on.


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