My Journey Learning to Play the Piano

I recently embarked on a journey that has brought me closer to my roots and rekindled a passion I had long forgotten. I'm talking about learning to play the piano.

After being laid off from my job and feeling a bit lost, I decided to move back in with my parents temporarily. Their cozy home offered safety during a crappy time, but it also harbored a relic from my childhood—a dusty old piano tucked away in a corner of the living room.

Growing up, I remember listening to my mom play beautiful melodies on that piano. Her music filled our home with warmth and joy. Despite my admiration for her talent, I never took the initiative to learn myself.

But now, with ample free time on my hands, I saw an opportunity to finally pursue the piano. With a mixture of determination and curiosity, I dusted off the keys and opened up YouTube tutorials on my laptop. Armed with nothing but my computer and a willingness to learn, I began.

At first, the process was filled with frustration and clumsy finger placements. My lack of experience was evident, and there were moments when I questioned what I was doing. But, I noticed small improvements over time. The notes started to sound more harmonious, and my confidence grew.

If I’m being honest, it was also a way for me to procrastinate the stress of job hunting and uncertainty about the future. The piano offered me a sense of purpose and a creative outlet during a time of emotional upheaval.

Months went by, and Christmas approached. With newfound skills under my belt, I decided to surprise my family with a special gift. On Christmas Eve, as we gathered around the tree, I took a deep breath and sat down at the piano. With trembling fingers, I began to play.

The room fell silent as the familiar notes filled the air. I watched as shock and smiles spread across the faces of my family. My mom especially was impressed as she listened to the melodies she once played now being played by her child. That moment was pure magic—a culmination of hours of practice and perseverance.

Learning to play the piano in my late 20s may not have been something I ever envisioned, but it was a great way to express myself and find some peace during a hard time. Now that I’ve gotten my career back on track, that dusty piano and I both have moved out of my parents and into my own place.


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