How Video Games Helped Battle Anxiety and Boost My Confidence

When I was an up-and-coming writer, I worked at a multitude of outlets and did a large variety of work. Entering this industry was exciting, but also brought many challenges. Long work hours, plenty of overtime, and the necessity to constantly be available at any time to cover that next big piece of news put a strain on my mental health.

In fact, over the years my self-confidence levels ended up lowering, and I started being very anxious every time I had to deal with work. I realized that the best thing I could do was to try and find a new hobby, as that’s what helps a lot of people. And at least in my case, video games were the right option.

I’d been playing video games on and off for decades, but it was never something I focused on. It was fun to play with friends and family; I have some fond memories from those times. However, once I started struggling with anxiety and a loss of self-esteem due to my challenging job, I delved into the idea of playing video games as self-care.

I started with a few casual games, mainly Minecraft and Stardew Valley. Then I decided to try out some new games. That’s how I started getting into Overwatch 2, Forza Horizon 5, Apex Legends, and even MMOs like New World. Playing these games helped me regain my confidence, and focus more on my development and well-being.

I think one of the main reasons why I was attracted to video games was the storytelling and entertainment aspect. The ability to create your own stories and live in some amazing, unique worlds is what made games interesting for me. However, I soon realized there’s more to games than just stories. Instead, you get to explore worlds, push the limits of your imagination, and even compete with other people.

I think one of the main reasons why video games are great for mental health is they give you a sense of accomplishment. We’re all looking for that in our daily lives, but rarely feel it. Thanks to video games, every session felt very fulfilling; and it made me feel like I was making progress which felt rewarding.

Getting past a challenging level, completing a very hard quest, and also playing online with friends feels very fun, and it made me a more confident person. I saw that every action I took mattered, and that helped me be less shy and more focused on my life for a change.

Another huge benefit for me was that video games can be used to create social connections. Not everyone is an outgoing person; in fact, most people these days are shy and anxious when it comes to meeting others. That’s valid in my case as well. I used video games as a way to meet new people, even make new friends, and establish long-term connections.

In fact, most of the people in my Steam friends list were met during various online game sessions. We all made great connections by playing all kinds of games, and in some cases, we became very close friends. We exchanged numbers and talked outside of the videogame spectrum, too.

That goes to show how much you can grow your friend group just by playing video games. I didn’t think that would be possible. Yet with how accessible and easy to play many games are these days, you can easily increase your social circle very quickly. And if it happened to me, I am sure others would benefit from meeting new people, talking with them, and sharing some of the struggles they are facing right now.

Why are video games a great hobby for people with anxiety and mental health struggles?

  • They bring a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that you might be lacking elsewhere.

  • Most games promote critical thinking and problem-solving. While rewarding in the game, these skills can also be utilized outside the game.

  • Playing games and having fun is a great way to generate dopamine which improves mood.

  • Succeeding in video games can build confidence, and provide a sense of control. Games offer a unique way to build those characteristics that are vital in other areas of life.

Based on my experience with video games, I can say that playing them as a hobby can be both fun and personally beneficial. One thing is certain, video games offer a great mood boost, and I can say for a fact that I’m much happier, more relaxed, and less stressed when I play. Not only did playing video games improve my perspective when it comes to life, but I started trusting myself more, while also learning new skills.


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